BCMT outcomes.

Competency list/Outcome:

 The following clinical skills through this certification will be achieved:

  1. Comprehensive assessment (Scan-Exam) of the spine including Cervical, Thoracic, +and lumbo-sacral.
  2. Application of PIVMs of the Lumbar and Cervical spine
  3. Application of Spine manipulation (Lumber, Thoracic and Cervical)
  4. Application of Spine mobilization (Lumber, Thoracic and Cervical)
  5. Comprehensive Assessment of shoulder complex and application of manual techniques (Mobilization and manipulation along with other relevant manual techniques)
  6. Comprehensive Assessment of the elbow and application of manual techniques (Mobilization and distraction along with other relevant manual techniques)
  7. Comprehensive Assessment of the wrist and hand and application of manual techniques (Mobilization and manipulation along with other relevant manual techniques)
  8. Comprehensive Assessment of the hip and application of manual techniques (Mobilization, manipulation, and distraction along with other relevant manual techniques)
  9. Comprehensive Assessment of the knee and application of manual techniques ((Mobilization and manipulation along with other relevant manual techniques)
  10. Comprehensive Assessment of the ankle and foot and application of manual techniques (Mobilization and manipulation along with other relevant manual techniques)

BCMT Graduates





BCMT allows you to delve deeper into a specific area of interest, gaining advanced knowledge and specialized skills that can enhance your effectiveness and expertise in that particular domain. Specializing through BCMT can set you apart as an expert in your chosen area. This can open up opportunities for advanced clinical roles, leadership positions, and teaching or research roles within that specialization.


Best Scientific evidence, Clinical experience and Patient's values.


Participants will be evaluated through written assessments, practical examinations and case studies. Successful participants will receive a certification in Comprehensive Manual Therapy for Spines and Extremities (BCMT).

For DPTs

Sharpen your skills and knowledge for specialized clinical practice. In BCMT we emphasize ethical standards, patient-centered care, and professionalism in all aspects of practice.


BCMT (Thoracic Spine)

(Assessment & Treatment)

BCMT (Lumber Spine)

(Assessment & Treatment)

BCMT (Cervical Spine)

Assessment & Treatment